About the MTSG
The global authority on marine turtles.
The Marine Turtle Specialist Group (MTSG) is one of the more than 160 Specialist Groups and Task Forces that make up the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature. The largest of six IUCN commissions, the SSC is a science-based network of some 9,000 volunteer experts from almost every country of the world, all working together towards achieving a vision of:
“A just world that values and conserves nature through positive action to reduce the loss of diversity of life on earth.”
SSC’s major role is to provide information to the IUCN on biodiversity conservation, the inherent value of species, their role in ecosystem health and functioning, the provision of ecosystem services, and their support to human livelihoods. SSC members also provide scientific advice to conservation organizations, government agencies and other IUCN members, and support the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements.
The MTSG is responsible for providing information on the seven species of sea turtles and is regarded as the global authority on sea turtles.
About the MTSG
Vision and Mission
We envision marine turtles fulfilling their ecological roles on a healthy Planet where all Peoples value and celebrate their continued survival.
To develop and support strategies, set priorities, and provide tools that promote and guide the conservation of marine turtles, and their ecological roles and habitats.
How we accomplish our mission:
Providing advice and practical support to marine turtle conservationists
Using and synthesizing multidisciplinary research and methods
Building and promoting partnerships between diverse stakeholders including local communities
Building capacity to educate, inspire, and empower people to conserve marine turtles and their habitats
Recognizing that marine turtles are a shared international resource and integrating local, national, and international conservation efforts
promoting long-term conservation and population monitoring efforts that anticipate environmental change
Recognizing that marine conservation is integrally linked to broader conservation issues
The MTSG is presently overseen by Co-Chairs Roderic Mast and Paolo Casale who are based in Washington, DC, USA, and Pisa, Italy, respectively. They are supported by the MTSG’s Program Officer, Brian Hutchinson, who is based in Washington, DC, USA. The group is administered under the auspices of Oceanic Society, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in Ross, California, USA.
The 300+ members that comprise the MTSG are organized into ten geographic regions, each overseen by one or more Regional Vice Chairs.
The MTSG was founded in 1966 in response to a growing recognition of the endangered status of marine turtles. Sir Peter Scott asked Archie Carr to establish the group, serve as its chair and appoint its members. Archie Carr remained the MTSG chair until 1984, when he stepped down. At various times throughout his term, Tom Harrisson, Nicholas Mrosovsky, George Balazs, and Karen Bjorndal served as his co-chair or deputy chair. Peter Pritchard also served as Scientific Coordinator of MTSG from 1969 to 1971. At that time, the group consisted of just 15-30 members.
In 1984, Karen Bjorndal was appointed to lead the group, and did so until 1996, with G. Stanley de Silva and George Balazs serving as deputy chairs at different times. Under Karen’s leadership, the group expanded to roughly 200 members from over 50 countries. In 1993, responding to the larger size of the group, an Executive Committee composed of the chair, deputy chair, and seven members was appointed. Marydele Donnelly also became Program Officer in 1994, under support provided by an anonymous donor to the MTSG through the efforts of the Center for Marine Conservation (now The Ocean Conservancy, Washington, DC).
Karen Bjorndal was succeeded by Maria Angela (‘Neca’) Marcovaldi as transitional chair in October 1996, who, together with George Balazs as deputy chair, continued to expand the group and its executive committee.
Alberto Abreu then took over as chair in March 1998, and continued to serve until 2002. During this time, Alberto established the first Regional Vice Chairs, further expanded the membership, and increased MTSG publications. He was succeeded by Perran Ross in October 2002, who served as interim administrator until June 2003, when Roderic Mast and Nicolas Pilcher were appointed as co-chairs to lead the group. Nicolas Pilcher was succeeded by Paolo Casale in October 2015. The current co-chairs (Paolo Casale and Roderic Mast) are assisted by program officer Brian Hutchinson, who has served in this role since 2003.
Timeline of MTSG Chairs:
1966 – 1984: Archie Carr
1984 – 1996: Karen Bjorndal
1996 – 1998: Maria Angela (“Neca”) Marcovaldi
1998 – 2002: F. Alberto Abreu-Grobois
2003 – 2015: Roderic Mast and Nicolas Pilcher
2015 – present: Paolo Casale and Roderic Mast