Management and Action
Important Marine Turtle Area Guidelines 1.0 (August 2021)
In 2021 the MTSG members worked to develop a set of criteria and a framework for defining Important Marine Turtle Areas (IMTAs). IMTAs are discrete areas within existing marine turtle regional management units (RMUs) that are of particular biological significance for the persistence of marine turtles, and/or where the contributions of marine turtles to traditions and cultures of local people are particularly significant. The IMTA framework is the world’s first global delineation and prioritization of in-water habitats for sea turtles.
Techniques Manual (1999)
Research and Management Techniques for the Conservation of Sea Turtles (1999)
Citation: Eckert, K. L., Bjorndal, K. A., Abreu-Grobois, F. A. and Donnelly, M. (Eds.) 1999. Research and Management Techniques for the Conservation of Sea Turtles. IUCN/SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group Publication No. 4. Washington, DC: 235 pp.
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Técnicas de Investigación y Manejo para la Conservación de las Tortugas Marinas (2000)
Citation: Eckert, K. L., Bjorndal, K. A., Abreu-Grobois, F. A. and Donnelly, M. (Eds.) 2000 (Traducción al español). Técnicas de Investigación y Manejo para la Conservación de las Tortugas Marinas. Grupo Especialista en Tortugas Marinas UICN/CSE Publicación No. 4. Washington, DC: 235 p.
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Global Strategy (1995)
A Global Strategy for the Conservation of Marine Turtles (1995)
In June 1994, 19 members of the Marine Turtle Specialist Group from 15 nations and a representative of the IUCN Secretariat met in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with two professional strategic planners to draft a comprehensive global strategy for the conservation of marine turtles. The resulting draft was sent to all members of the MTSG and to selected members of the SSC for review and comment. This document, A Global Strategy for the Conservation of Marine Turtles, is the product of that session and review. The Strategy is presented in nine parallel strategies: Research and Monitoring; Integrated Management for Sustainable Marine Turtle Populations; Building Capacity for Conservation, Research, and Management; Public Awareness, Information, and Education; Community Participation in Conservation; Regional and International Cooperation; Evaluation of the Status of Marine Turtles; Funding for Marine Turtle Conservation; and Operation of the Marine Turtle Specialist Group.
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Regional Reviews
In addition to the regionally focused publications below, see our annual Regional Reports for more regional summaries.
Sea turtles in the Mediterranean: Distribution, threats and conservation priorities (2010)
The Mediterranean Sea is a virtually enclosed basin that is frequented by three sea turtle species. In the last three decades the interest in sea turtles in the Mediterranean has continuously increased, motivated by a growing concern for these threatened animals. There has also been a great interest and need to develop adequate knowledge about their threats and about the biological and ecological parameters that are relevant for their conservation. However, the number of countries, the variety of languages and the number of people involved in the region represent intrinsic difficulties for the diffusion of information and for coordinating large-scale actions. This report approaches these challenges head-on, by providing information about turtle occurrence, threats, conservation status and perspectives for each country. It can also help to diffuse information about successful models and lessons that have been learned throughout the region, and ultimately promote and improve cooperation for conservation.
Citation: Casale, P. and Margaritoulis, D. (Eds.) 2010. Sea turtles in the Mediterranean: Distribution, threats and conservation priorities. 2010. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 294 pp.
A Marine Turtle Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Western Indian Ocean (1996)
Citation: IUCN. 1996. A Marine Turtle Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Western Indian Ocean.
Scientific Articles Published by MTSG Members
The following peer-reviewed publications were authored by MTSG members as part of MTSG-led efforts.
Global Conservation Priorities (2011)
Regional Management Units (2010)
Published in Chelonian Conservation & Biology (Vol. 3, No. 2) April 1999
Conservation of hawksbill sea turtles: Perceptions and realities
Status of the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Caribbean Region
Population modeling and implications forCaribbean hawksbill sea turtle management
Reproduction and nesting of the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Cuban Archipelago
Workshop & Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the Third Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles (2008)
The third of four Mediterranean regional meetings, which was held in October of 2008 in Tunisia.
Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles (2005)
The second of four Mediterranean regional meetings, which was held in May of 2005 in Turkey.
Proceedings of the First Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles (2001)
The first of four Mediterranean regional meetings, which was held in October of 2001 in Rome.
Proceedings: Marine Turtle Conservation in the Wider Caribbean Region: A Dialogue for Effective Regional Management (2001)
Citation: Eckert, K. L. and F. A. Abreu Grobois (Eds.) 2001. Proceedings of the Regional Meeting: “Marine Turtle Conservation in the Wider Caribbean Region: A Dialogue for Effective Regional Management,” SantoDomingo, 16-18 November 1999. WIDECAST, IUCN-MTSG, WWF, and UNEP-CEP. 154 pp.
Report of the Western Indian Ocean Turtle Excluder Device (TED) Training Workshop (1998)
These proceedings document the presentations, discussions, and commitments of participants during a Turtle Excluder Device (TED) training workshop held in Mombasa, Kenya in January 1997 by the IUCN East Africa Regional Office in collaboration with the IUCN Marine Turtle Specialist Group.
Citation: Wamukoya, G. M. and R. V. Salm (Eds.) 1998. Report of the Western Indian Ocean Turtle Excluder Device (TED) Training Workshop, Bandari College, Mombasa, Kenya, 27-31 January 1997. Nairobi: IUCN.